Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Slim Sim

This is a tilt at a high performance simmons after many experimental bottom designs that I have played with in foam. Playing with concaves and chines and now just narrowing it all down to 19" wide and a thruster set up.
5ft x 19"when finished with a slightly wider tail width than nose
Full length concave , but retaining the hull entry in the nose , which creates these little shoulders as the concave comes out through the rolled entry. Some tricky blending to be done in the wood.
The tail has a 5mm deep concave that tapers from the full width one in the middle of the board and is contained by the soft chines each side. It is not as servere as it looks here.
The fins will sit just on the entry to the concave up on the chine.
It is really just a compressed version of the simmons that I have been building for some time now , with a few more aggressive lines.


  1. some nice work there, Grant. this one will be worth watching. looking alot like a kite board, only bigger.........

    now that might be another market for you. :-)

  2. Thank you so much for such an informative piece of information :)
    If anyone interested similar one's have a look here

